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User of The Week/Month/Year

Amber 8 years ago updated by Kathy Downey 8 years ago 5

This would be a vote based system, where you could visit a profile and click to vote the user as the user of the week. Then the users of the week would be voted on for the user of the month, ad ditto for user of the year. Of course, you couldn't vote for yourself, or vote more than once.


Submit Plots/Titles/Ideas

Amber 8 years ago updated by Kathy Downey 8 years ago 1

As the title says, this would be an option for people who are running out of ideas, and could be a user submitted option to give away excess ideas.


short 100 word bio on our profiles + See usernames on feedback

Libby 8 years ago updated by Amber 8 years ago 9

It would be great if we could have a short 100 word bio on our profiles to say what languages we speak, our genre interests etc.

Also I would love to see who gives me feedback as on my 'Libby' account people leave really nice things and I's like to say thanks and be able to follow them :)

Under review

How do you accept a challenge? Or refuse one?

Kathy Downey 8 years ago updated by Shirley Jones 4 years ago 7

I know Joakim has a video about the Dueling process, but I still have questions. Oftentimes I click on the 'CHALLENGE A FRIEND' button, and then choose someone's name from my followers, but nothing seems to happen. Sometimes I click and click on a person's name, but it looks like the challenge hasn't been sent. How do I know if/when this person has accepted it, and then what happens if they do accept the challenge? Recently, someone challenged me, I clicked on the button that took me to the story. I added my draft, but now what happens?

Also, someone keeps challenging me to a story that I have no interest in, and I have been ignoring the challenges. But this person repeatedly challenges me (on this same story). What do I do then, continue to ignore the challenge?

Thank you and sorry for the length of this message/topic :)


Delete Useless Drafts / Stories

KittygoRoar 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 2

It would be awesome if only you could delete your drafts / stories that are useless...


Random Button

joakim johansson 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 2

Find random stories


Challenges stats

joakim johansson 8 years ago updated by ShalomAleichem 8 years ago 1

Get stats of how many wins and losses you have


Improve messages

joakim johansson 8 years ago updated by ShalomAleichem 8 years ago 1

1) challenges & invites come by message, not email and 2) users can be able to delete messages, like a inbox


Story Creater to choose the next draft

joakim johansson 8 years ago updated by Harlander 8 years ago 1

Image 24


A notification for your drafts winning

Harlander 8 years ago updated by Kathy Downey 8 years ago 1

When a draft you've written is selected, you should receive a notification of this joyous event