
Can I be refunded on a gem purchase?

Mockingjay 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 7

Hello, I am a very big Story Wars user and I love Story Wars. Recently I was hacked, all of my gems were spent on night mode and creepy messages were sent to all of my followers. I was wondering if there is any way you could refund my gem purchase?

Let me get back to you on that when I get home but I am sure we can fix it, do you know how you got hacked? Friend or someone you don't know?

Thank you so much. I am not sure how I got hacked or who did it, but I'm working on it. Thank you again.

Under review

You should have them back now

Thank you so much. Is there a way I can turn off night mode?

It says that I don't have night mode, but I do, and I don't want it. Is there a way I can get rid of it?


It should be fixed for you now