Your comments

I would be good if it also marked the story in which category it's in, so that we know for finding it later (helpful on random story)

Same! It would be very helpful to know what the story is, and see the other draft.

Yeah, the feedback is not always good.

I don't know what you mean by "more easy".

Maybe, also the original author could set the amount of votes a person could have (to a limit), and you could vote twice? I'm not sure that would be a good idea, though.

Okay *holds up palms*. It was just an idea!

YES! I am always waiting for results, and this would be good!

I was thinking, this could be another tab (you can create ones like the feedback), and this would have some facts, like age would be good, when you joined, and a bit about yourself. If we didn't have a seperate tab, then it could be just under the followers/following.