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No more max 8 chapters

joakim johansson 8 years ago updated by Sammy Mustacheman 8 years ago 1

Notifications being missed

Kathy Downey 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 5

I've noticed that when a notification appears in light green at the top of any story war page you happen to be on, it only stays on for a 'short period of time'. By the time I go to click on it, it's gone in a FLASH. So then I go to my notification section under my profile, and more times than not, the notification is not listed.

Could the notification appear longer than before, and maybe in a different color, to better attract attention. Unless one is actually looking at their computer screen, they'll miss the notification.

Thank you.


Showing won chapters on profile

Jessica Bans 8 years ago updated by joakim johansson 8 years ago 3

It would be neat if, on your profile, you and anyone else visting could easily access chaptersers that you have won. I, for one, would like to go through everything I've ever won. That way, I could see how I influenced stories I never followed up on. Plus, it would be pretty neat to see how your writing has evolved over time.


Join date

joakim johansson 7 years ago 0

like "Joined on 18/02/17"


Notification: Someone Drafted for Your Story

Harlander 8 years ago updated by Amber 8 years ago 6

Getting drafts on my own stories seems like the rarest and most exciting thing that happens on Story Wars. It'd be great if there was a specific notification for that.


There should be a screenplay section

mvetere71092 8 years ago updated by ShalomAleichem 8 years ago 2

There should be a screenplay section where people can collaborate on screenplays instead of just stories.


Ignore stories

Harlander 8 years ago updated by Joakim Johansson 8 years ago 1

Some stories, while not being in any kind of violation of community standards, bug the heck out of me and I'd really appreciate not having to see them.

I'd like a button to stop them appearing on the front page, stop any notifications about them from appearing, etc.


Single draft for a long time

Joakim Johansson 8 years ago updated by ShalomAleichem 8 years ago 1

Image 7

Maybe the story creator should get a message and a preview to accept that draft after a week has gone


Find older stories

joakim johansson 8 years ago updated by Carmela Pedinni 8 years ago 1

Image 14



thedarkone 4 years ago 0

Um, why do I have to pay all of a sudden. It is just like you did us down right dirty. I like story wars and I loved it when it was free but I will find somewhere else to do something like this if I all of a sudden have to pay.