DANDAN THE DANDAN no 2 7 years ago 0

User Reccomendations, it basically works like the 'favourite' option for


At the bottom of every story, under the box for writing/voting/The end
stuff and above Disqus, is a button for 'Recommend story!!'.

If you're active in commenting stories you'll know where this is going.

A User Recommendation will be under Editor's Choice and functions to
promote stories, but instead of admins and favourites this is through
democracy and unity.

It works like this:
-Each user (Warrior? Soldier?) will have one Recommend, each will only
last for exactly 168 hours (one week).
-After the timer is done users can go back to that story and vote again
freely. Using multiple accounts to recommend a story is the same as
voting for one draft in a story using multiple accounts - it's against the rules.
-The Recommend will be counted in total and the top three/five stories
with the most recommendations will appear in the front page under
Editor's Choice.

Once the Recommends start piling up with multiple users everyone will
know that story.

This is to hopefully bring up the underdogs and have a second hope if
none of the stories of a user never made it to EC.

Oh, and a UR can be on EC at the same time too. Like stats in the top of
the stories it will be counted.